Why is Wayne Gretzky's wedding with Janet Jones referred as Canada's Royal Wedding?

Wayne Gretzky's wedding with Janet Jones has been referred to as Canada's Royal Wedding for several reasons. The marriage between the legendary ice hockey player and the American actress captured the attention of the entire nation. Their lavish ceremony in 1988 became a significant event in Canada.

One of the reasons behind this comparison is the sheer magnitude of the wedding. With approximately 700 guests in attendance, including relatives, friends, and prominent figures from the world of sports and entertainment, the event was grand in scale. The ceremony took place at St. Joseph's Basilica in Edmonton, Wayne Gretzky's hometown, adding to the significance of the occasion.

The attention to detail and the opulence of the wedding further elevated its status. Janet Jones, looking stunning in her wedding gown, reportedly worth almost $40,000, exuded elegance and grace. The media coverage of the event was extensive, and was even live-streamed across Canada, allowing people from all corners of the country to witness the celebration.

Another factor that contributed to the comparison to a royal wedding was the fame and status of the couple themselves. Earlier in the same year, Wayne Gretzky led the Oilers to victory in the Stanley Cup. His achievements and dominance in the sport earned him immense popularity and a place in the hearts of Canadians. Janet Jones, on the other hand, was a well-known American actress, adding an element of glamor and celebrity to the occasion.

The union of Wayne Gretzky, a Canadian icon, with an accomplished actress like Janet Jones, symbolized the coming together of two worlds, sports and entertainment, in a way that captured the nation's imagination. It represented a merging of cultures and embodied Canadian pride and achievement.

Some more facts about Wayne Gretzky with Janet Jones

Wayne Gretzky, widely regarded as one of the greatest players in NHL history, had an impressive 20-season career in the league. Gretzky played for four different teams: the Edmonton Oilers, Los Angeles Kings, St. Louis Blues, and the New York Rangers.

There were speculations surrounding his trade to the Los Angeles Kings, suggesting it was motivated by a desire to advance his wife Janet Jones' career. However, Jones herself has refuted these claims in her documentary "Kings Ransom."

Throughout their relationship, Wayne and Janet have maintained a strong and successful bond without encountering any significant issues. Together, they have been blessed with five children, who are leading happy and settled lives.

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