Love Without Borders is set to take five single Americans across the globe in the pursuit of love. These singles will leave everything behind—family, job, and friends—to find the person they’re meant to be with. One of the stars of the show, Naeem Thompson, will find himself living with Chandra Chugani. Chandra is the founder of Chugani’s Boutique, a health and wellness brand specializing in perfumes.
In the trailer of the show, Naeem and Chandra are seen falling in love, and while they hit a rough patch, the Love Without Borders star admits that he can no longer imagine a life without her in it.
The Bravo show is set to premiere on November 30.
The producers of Love is Blind are set to bring viewers another romantic reality show during which five American singles will set out to find love. They have each tried to find love but failed and have left their fate in Arica Angelo's hands. Angelo has found each of them a match based on "compatibility and not country." For Naeem Thompson, Angelo has found Chandra Chugani.
Chandra lives in Panama, a country in Central America. She is the founder of Chugani Boutiques, a wellness and health brand specializing in perfumes. The entrepreneur is a graduate of the University of Panama, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in bilingual tourism. She also studied business administration, leisure, nature, and tourism as part of her education. Chandra’s primary language is Spanish, and she is certified in English as a second language.
While she owns her own business, the Love Without Borders love interest started her career working as an administrative assistant at Huawei Technologies. Chugani worked for many other companies from 2013 to 2020, after which she decided to venture out on her own and start her own business.
She has over 3000 followers on her Instagram profile and is quite an avid traveler. Her Instagram posts include photos from her travels to destinations such as Barcelona, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, and many more.
On Love Without Borders, Chandra is matched with Naeem Thompson, who makes his way to Panama to move in with her in order to see if the two of them are, in fact, soul mates.
The trailer of the show stated that Naeem did not fit in with the dating scene in Houston, but to find love, he was willing to leave his job. Naeem showed up at Chandra’s door with a bouquet of flowers. The trailer teased a rough patch which left Naeem feeling discouraged.
In the trailer, he said:
"Chandra’s dancing with her ex-boyfriend. This is not what I signed up for."However, it seems like they’re not going to give up that easily, as towards the end of the clip, Naeem admits to not seeing a future without Chandra in it.
Others to appear on the show include Aaron Motacek, who will be paired up with Mael, Danna Richard, who falls in love with Brian, Philip Michael Thomas Jr., whose connection with Carmen is seen flourishing in the trailer, and finally, Gurleen Virk, who is looking for commitment from Shreyas.
Tune in on November 30, at 9 pm ET to see what happens when Love Without Borders premieres on Bravo.
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