Despite their estrangement, Meghan Markle’s brother Thomas Markle Jr. decided to invite the Duchess and her husband Prince Harry to his wedding anyway. This is also another attempt to fix the family feud.
During an interview with Daily Mail, the man revealed that he and fiancee Darlene Blount officially sent an invite to the royal couple, hoping that the happy event in his life will help mend their differences.
The 52 year old really wishes the ceremony will ‘put all of the past behind everyone and move on to be a closer family once again. Starting out the New Year by bringing our family members closer together is definitely on the to do list — it is very important.’
But more important than anything, he thinks his wedding will be the perfect place and time for Meghan and their father, Thomas Markle to reunite.
As you know, the two haven’t seen each other, or even talked at all since before the royal wedding back in May, and this is something the man often laments about either on social media or during TV interviews.
Thomas Sr. was, unfortunately, unable to be there for his daughter on her special day since he had some serious health issues.
Thomas Jr., however, was simply not invited but he claims that there are no hard feelings.
It is unknown if Meghan and Harry will attend his wedding, but the chances are honestly pretty small, one reason being that she will be in her third trimester at the time and flying is not recommended.
The brother mentioned that if she did come, it would be ‘kind of exciting,’ especially since his fiancée thought at first that the former actress was lying about dating a prince.