Kyle Rockwood Obituary, Death Cause – Accident occurred at approximately 4:28 in the afternoon between a Honda motorbike that was going east on a branch road near the northbound exit of Interstate 95 into York and a Nissan Rogue that was being driven by Dawn Hamdi of Greenland, New Hampshire, as she departed the freeway. Both vehicles were traveling near the area where the two exits of the interstate meet. Hamdi was the one who was at the wheel of the Nissan Rogue. Both cars were heading in the same direction, which was east. According to the information provided by the York Police Department, Kyle Rockwood, who resides in York, was apparently operating the motorcycle at the time of the collision in which it was involved. Hamdi had just finished his journey from Greenland, which is located in the state of New Hampshire, and was now making his way to York.
A collision that occurred on Wednesday afternoon in York and included three vehicles was responsible for the death of a motorcyclist who was a passenger in one of the vehicles. The collision took place at about 1:30 p.m. The crash happened at about 1:30 in the afternoon. The statements that the York police acquired on Wednesday evening show that a collision occurred between a Toyota Rav4 driven by Sason Bergman of Toronto and Rockwood and Hamdi as they were entering the westbound lane.
Bergman is from Toronto. Rockwood and Hamdi were entering the westbound lane. The Toyota Rav4 that Bergman was riding in was a passenger vehicle. Bergman, who was there at the time, was involved in the collision. When they arrived at the location, they discovered that Rockwood had passed away some time before There has been no new information disclosed to the public, and the circumstance is still being investigated to the fullest extent that is feasible.