How to find Puffskeins and obtain Puffskein Fur in Hogwarts Legacy

Magical Beasts are a core part of the Hogwarts Legacy gameplay, especially regarding some of the unique crafting mechanics the RPG offers.

With so many beasts that you will discover in the open world, you will be able to make the most of your Vivarium and personalize it with all your favorite monsters.

While most of these beasts are easy to come across in the world, many Wizarding World fans seem to be having a fair bit of trouble finding Puffskeins and their fur.

Puffskein can be found outside their dens in Hogwarts Legacy, and as they are scattered all over the map, it will take a fair bit of exploration from your end to find them and encounter one of these beasts yourself.

Today’s guide will go over how you can find Puffskeins in Hogwarts Legacy and how you will get to obtain their fur.

Finding Puffskeins in Hogwarts Legacy

As mentioned, you will be able to come across the Puffskein near their dens in Hogwarts Legacy. Their homes are strewn throughout the open world, making it quite hard to find a few of these when exploring the map.

Here are some of the areas where you will be able to spot a Puffskein den and encounter the magical beasts outside their homes:

  • Southeast of Jackdaw’s Tomb in the Forbidden Forest
  • Northern Feldcroft Region
  • Southwest of Hogsmeade
  • Central Poidsear Coast
  • Southeast Clagmar Coast

While there are more locations where you can find a Puffskein in the game, these are some of the more reliable regions you can explore.

How to obtain Puffskein fur in Hogwarts Legacy

To obtain Puffskien fur in Hogwarts Legacy effectively, you will first be required to get your hands on the Nab-Sack, which will allow you to use Rescue Beasts, a charmed bag that helps your character to keep magical beasts safe from poachers.

However, to be able to obtain the Nab-Sack, you will first be required to complete the ‘The Elf, The Nab-Sack, And the Loom’ quest. The Sack is one of the rewards that you will be able to obtain upon finishing the quest. Therefore, to be able to harvest raw materials from any Magical Beast, you will need to get this item first.

Once you have the Nab-Sack, you will need to catch a Puffskein, and the easiest way to do it will be to approach them directly in front of their dens and use the bag. This will automatically pull the creature in and transport it directly to your Vivarium in the Room of Requirements.

Once the Puffskein is in your Hogwarts Legacy Vivarium, you will need to pet it to obtain its fur as one of the harvests. Petting and feeding all the beasts in your Vivarium will ensure that they drop crafting materials, and for the Puffskein, you will obtain its fur.

An alternate and more expensive method of obtaining Puffskein fur in the game will be to purchase it directly from Brood and Peck for 150 Galleons. However, it’s better always to have your own personal supply of crafting materials than to spend money on them.

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