Double Play: Celebrities Who Dont Hide Their Bisexuality

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Although many celebrities have made an effort to reduce the number of people who know they are
bisexual, others have become more open about the topic in the present. Still, others do not let people
know about their sexual orientation. While that is the case for some, others celebs have made no efforts
to hide their sexuality. These are some of the biggest stars in the world who have become bisexual and
do not hide it, which will be presented further in the article. The information provided by this site shows that
everyone sees their partner as a person first of all and then as a gender.

1. Amber Heard

Amber Heard

Amber Heard is an actress known for her role in Aquaman and being involved in numerous court battles.
As it turns out, she is a bisexual woman and identifies as such. However, she has not been open about
any relationships she has had with other women, if any. She might not wish to accidentally "out" her
past partners, or she just wants the paparazzi to mind their business.

2. Cara Delavingne

Cara Delavigne has starred in many roles lately, including Suicide Squad, where she played one of the
main villains. Although it was speculated by many people in the media, Cara Delavigne did not come out
and confirm her sexuality for a long time. Now, she is out and talks about her bisexuality, but she does
not mention her partners too often.

3. David Bowie

David Bowie

David Bowie was a living legend, which is the only reason he was accepted as a bisexual individual during
his career when he was most popular. As he grew older and opened up to his fans and the media, it
became clear that he was bisexual and did not care so much that people knew. Still, he was closely
guarded when talking about his sexuality until the end of his days.

4. Cynthia Nixon

Cynthia Nixon of Sex and the City fame came out in grand fashion and took others to task over their
negative treatment of LGBT people. She has now become a great champion of LGBT rights and has
become embroiled in the world of politics. Although she is open about her sexuality, she is not often
seen out and about with her partners these days since she is focused on helping others.

5. Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy has apparently come out as bisexual, but he sure hates it when people talk to him about it.
Just because a person has revealed, their sexuality does not mean they want to have it brought up to
them every few minutes during interviews. Hardy has consistently rebuffed people that are insistent
upon talking to him about his sexuality, and it's easy to see why.
Give me some true facts about bisexuality

Although many people have a rough understanding of bisexuality, you can still learn a lot about bisexual
behaviors. We will provide you with some facts about bisexuality to help you understand the people
who are bi in your life.

1. Roughly 5 million people in the U.S. identify as bisexual
Out of the total 9 million LGBT people who have self-identified in the U.S., 4.6 million are bisexual.
2. There are more bisexuals than gay men and lesbians
Roughly 52% of the LGBT community is bi
3. Bisexual people have a greater tendency to become parents compared to and lesbians
Bi people face less discrimination in adoption and have more biological means of becoming parents.
4. Unfortunately, bi people face a lot of discrimination in the workplace, with many of them being
made the subject of disparaging remarks by others.
Workplace discrimination comes in many forms, such as outright position denials and lack of
5. Over half of all bisexual women have some form of mood disorder or anxiety.

These individuals need more support in terms of their mental health.

These are just a few bare facts about bisexual individuals. While there are many bi people throughout
the world, the fact of the matter is that they are not always treated properly.

The world is filled with all sorts of people, and they come with many sexual backgrounds. Bisexual
people are all around us; in fact, they are the most common members of the LGBT community. The
actors and actresses that we have shown demonstrate that they are in the upper echelons of society
even though they do not want to have their sexuality talked about all the time. Learn more about how
to uplift these people and reach out to them in your community.
