Based on the information available, former UFC double champion Conor McGregor does not own Paradigm Sports Management. The sports management company is owned by Iraqi-American entrepreneur Audi Attar.
Audi Attar is the founder and CEO of Paradigm Sports. The sports management company started its operations in 2009 and is headquartered in Irvine, California.
Paradigm Sports Management, which started operations by managing talent in the NFL, later expanded its horizons to MMA as well.
Currently, the company's MMA clientele includes the likes of UFC welterweight champion Leon Edwards, middleweight kingpin Israel Adesanya, light heavyweight champion Jiri Prochazka and Bellator welterweight fighter Michael Page, among others.
The company boasts 137 combat sports titles and 18 soccer cups from its partner athletes. Apart from UFC and NLF, the company also represents athletes from MLS, Rinzin, Glory Kickboxing, One Championship and LFA among others.
In a recent interview with MMA Junkie, Paradigm Sports CEO Audie Attar stated that McGregor's competitive spirit still burns bright and the Irishman's return to the UFC will be the greatest in sports history:
"People fell in love with Conor McGregor because he'd dare to speak his dreams and pursue them and die on his sword if he had to, to achieve them. So that's the same Conor McGregor exists today... Doesn't matter how many zeros he has in his bank account... Does he have more ambitions and goals he wants to achieve? absolutely. I do believe its going to be the greatest comeback in sports history."Watch Audie Attar talk about McGregor below:
Although Conor McGregor doesn't own Paradigm Sports, the UFC superstar owns multiple other businesses, which are detailed below in this article.
Audi Attar is Conor McGregor's long-time friend and business partner. According to a report by The Irish Times, McGregor has been represented by Attar's Paradigm Sports since as early as his UFC debut in 2013.
Since signing with Paradigm Sports, McGregor and Attar have delved into numerous business ventures together.
McGregor and Attar are the co-founders of Eire Born Spirits (ESB), which is the parent company of the highly popular Proper No.Twelve Irish whiskey.
Apart from this, the duo also handles the operations of four other business ventures in the field of gaming, fashion, and fitness.
UFC superstar Conor McGregor's enviable net worth is not just from his exploits in the octagon. The fighter also owns various other business ventures outside of combat sports.
Proper No.Twelve Irish whiskey is one of McGregor's most successful ventures. According to a recent report by Yahoo!life, Proper No.Twelve is America’s fastest-growing whiskey brand.
August McGregor is yet another lucrative venture in the line of fashion for the Irishman. The former UFC double champ partnered with fashion designer David August to launch the brand. The clothing brand sells suits, casual dressing shirts and more.
McGregor FAST is a fitness app owned by 'The Notorious'. The app professes to provide users with the Irishman's personal fitness regimen to achieve peak physical condition.
The 34-year-old and his sports agent Audie Attar also oversee the operations of the mobile strategy game, Dystopia: Contest of Heroes.
Lastly, The MMA star also owns the media house, MacLife. The channel covers all major events in the world of combat sports.
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