Copenhagen vs Rakow Prediction and Betting Tips

Copenhagen and Rakow Czestochowa return to action in the Champions League qualifiers when they lock horns at the Parken Stadium in the playoff second leg on Wednesday (August 30).

After a 1-0 win in Poland in the first leg last week. Copenhagen lost for the first time in the Superliga this season following a 3-1 reverse at home by Silkeborg. Before that, Jacob Neestrup’s men won their opening five games, scoring 13 gold and keeping two clean sheets.

Copenhagen now turn their attention to the Champions League qualifiers, where a ninth-minute own goal from Bogdan Racovitan gave them a slender aggregate advantage.

For Rakow, that loss snapped their run of five home games without defeat across competitions. At home, Dawid Szwarga’s side have enjoyed a respectable start to the new Polish top-flight campaign, winning twice and losing once in four games.

With seven points from a possible 12, Rakow are seventh in the Ekstraklasa, albeit with two games in hand.

Copenhagen vs Rakow Head-to-Head and Key Numbers

  • This will be the second meeting between the two sides after their first-leg clash last week.
  • Jacob Neestrup’s Copenhagen side are unbeaten in 10 of their 11 games across competitions, claiming nine wins.
  • Rakow are unbeaten in four of their last five away games across competitions, winning thrice since May.
  • Copenhagen have lost just one of their last nine competitive games since May, picking up six wins.

Copenhagen vs Rakow Prediction

Having secured a first-leg win, Copenhagen will back themselves to secure the desired result at home, where they have been rock-solid in the last few months. While Rakow should put up a fight, expect the Danish side to prevail again.

Prediction: Copenhagen 2-0 Rakow

Copenhagen vs Rakow Betting Tips

Tip 1: Result - Copenhagen

Tip 2: Over 4.5 cards - No (There have been fewer than five bookings in four of Copenhagen’s last five games.)

Tip 3: Over 10.5 corners - No (There have been fewer than 11 corners in Rakow’s last five games.)

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