Shuki International, a renowned jeweler who has provided diamond pieces to high-profile athletes such as Floyd Mayweather, has filed a lawsuit against Antonio Brown, the former wide receiver for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
According to the lawsuit, Brown owes Shuki International over $1 million for several jewelry items that he received back in 2022.
The lawsuit, which was filed in Los Angeles this week, alleges that Brown received the jewelry items under the promise that he would pay $1,095,000 for all of them.
However, the suit claims that Brown never paid up. The items included Shuki's famous "Shuki International" diamond fingers, which cost $500,000 each, a rose gold black diamond version of the finger piece, a white gold chain, and a ring.
The suit states that Brown received at least some of the items on Feb. 24, 2022, and agreed to pay the nearly $1.1 million price tag for all of them by Dec. 1, 2022. Shuki's attorney, Steven H. Stone, stated that the jeweler is expected to address the claims publicly later this week.
Interestingly, Shuki seemed pleased with how Brown was handling the situation according to a TMZ Sports interview, days after Brown received one of the diamond fingers in March 2022.
Brown, who has become a rapper following his NFL days, even has a song titled "Shuki Diamonds," paying homage to the celebrity jeweler. The two have even performed the song together on stage in the past year.